7 Common Commercial Generator Repair Mistakes

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Imagine running a company that has no problem getting its brand in front of the right audience. You also have a team of motivated employees ready to help you meet your goals.

However, you overlook key attributes that contribute to your business’s continuity. For example, neglecting your commercial generator can lead to unnecessary downtime. This is one of the many reasons why 20% of small businesses fail within their first year.

Commercial generator repair is crucial for keeping your power source reliable, but some common mistakes can make things worse. Let’s look at seven pitfalls to avoid.

1. Skipping Regular Maintenance

It’s easy to overlook regular maintenance, but this can lead to unexpected breakdowns. Make sure you stick to a consistent industrial generator maintenance schedule to prevent costly repairs down the line.

Neglecting regular check-ups can also lead to inefficient operation. The same is true for increased fuel consumption and lifespan reduction. Regular maintenance keeps your generator in top condition and ensures compliance with safety standards.

2. Ignoring Warning Signs

Strange noises or performance issues are often ignored until they become serious problems. Catching these early with generator troubleshooting tips can save you a lot of trouble.

If you notice changes in output, unusual smells, or leaks, it’s crucial to call in a technician. These warning signs can indicate more serious underlying issues. Left unresolved, these could lead to complete system failure and expensive replacements.

3. Using the Wrong Parts

Using parts that aren’t compatible with your generator can cause complications. Always stick to parts meant for commercial power equipment to keep everything running smoothly.

Incorrect parts can cause malfunctions, reduce efficiency, and even void warranties. Ensure that you use OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) parts to maintain optimal performance.

4. Not Doing Load Tests

Skipping load tests can leave you in the dark when you need power the most. Regular load testing ensures your backup power solutions are ready to go.

These tests help identify potential operational issues and battery performance under different load conditions. Load testing also helps verify that your generator will perform as expected during an actual power outage This provides peace of mind and operational continuity.

5. Poor Storage Conditions

Storing your generator in poor conditions can cause it to deteriorate. Make sure to keep it in a clean, dry place to extend its life. If the surrounding conditions are poor, do your best to find the root of the issue.

For example, the location in which you keep your generator could have high levels of condensation. This could indicate a problem with air temperature. The sooner you find problems like these, the less of an impact they’ll have on your generator.

6. No Emergency Service Plan

Not having a course of action for emergency generator service can lead to long power outages. Set up a reliable service plan to get quick repairs when you need them most.

This goes a long way toward maintaining uptime. It can also prevent problems from evolving into something worse.

7. Trying DIY Repairs

Trying to fix your generator without the right knowledge is never recommended. Not only could you damage your property, but you could also cause injuries.

These are often serious and require immediate medical attention. There’s also something to be said about how consuming DIY repairs can be.

They require valuable time that would be better spent elsewhere. It’s best to hire professionals for commercial generator repair to ensure everything is performed the right way.

Finding a Professional

Not all professionals are created equal, and you’ll need to be vigilant during your search. This will help you find the ideal service provider for your situation. Let’s explore the key attributes to keep in mind.

Certifications and Training

Technicians with certificates and special training tend to do a better job. Make sure the repair pros you choose have certifications from authoritative industry organizations. Inexperienced technicians won’t always fall short of your goals, but they’ll be less likely to meet your needs.

Genuine Replacement Parts

Using high-quality, genuine parts in repairs makes a big difference in how long your generator will last. Make sure the repair service uses parts that are specifically made for your generator model.

This will ensure peak performance and reliability. It will also help maximize efficiency and reduce emissions.

Consider the downtime you experience from a faulty generator. This could lead to poor financial performance and damage to your company’s reputation.

Ongoing Support

Never work with a provider who doesn’t offer ongoing support. This is one of the most crucial characteristics to look for. Overcoming issues on your own can be inconvenient and often impossible.

They should be easy to get in touch with, especially during emergencies. Checking past customer feedback can provide insight into this attribute. However, you should keep an eye out for fake reviews.


You often get what you pay for when choosing a repair professional. It’s not recommended to choose the cheapest service providers.

They will likely fall short of your goals. However, you don’t need to spend as much money as possible. There’s a point of diminishing returns regarding what you budget for commercial generator repair.

Somewhere in the middle of the price range can help you meet your needs. From here, you can invest the money you save in other areas of your business.


Some service providers might not have the time in their schedule to handle your project. Ideally, you’ll find someone passionate about helping you overcome your issues.

You can gauge this attribute by paying attention to the questions they ask about your situation. It’s a red flag if they don’t want to know as much as possible.

Navigate Commercial Generator Repair Carefully

By avoiding these commercial generator repair mistakes, you can keep your commercial generator reliable and efficient. The tips listed in this guide will ensure you get started on the right track and avoid potential issues.

Swift Equipment Solutions specializes in selling high-quality, used, and refurbished industrial equipment. Our most popular products include diesel and natural gas generators, engines, and air compressors.

We also offer expert consultation to match the right equipment to your needs, ensuring satisfaction with every purchase. You’ll learn more about how we can help when you get in touch with us today.

By | 2024-06-18T06:42:11-06:00 June 27th, 2024|Categories: Commercial Generator|0 Comments

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