Natural Gas Generators: 7 Advantages over diesel generators

7 Advantages of Choosing Natural Gas Generators

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    When it comes to industrial generators, there are two kinds available: diesel generators and natural gas generators. Both have their upsides, but their downsides just the same. 

    In this article, we’re going to discuss the merits of the natural gas generator, in particular. So, without further ado, here are 7 advantages of choosing a natural gas-powered generator. 

    1. You’ll Spend Less Money Over Time

    Perhaps the best reason to take advantage of natural gas generators is that you’ll save money over time. The alternative to natural gas, diesel, is about 10 times more expensive. 

    Yes, diesel provides a little more bang for its buck. However, even this doesn’t bring the cost close to that of gasoline. 

    And then there are the purchase prices of the two types. Diesel generators are substantially more expensive than gas-powered ones. So, whichever way you spin it, a natural gas generator will cost you less money. 

    2. You Won’t Have to Deal With Fuel Delivery Mishaps

    Another great aspect of natural gas generators is that they’re always connected to fuel. After all, natural gas runs through the pipes in most homes and business properties. So, as long as those pipes are installed, and as long as you’re paying your utility bills, your natural gas generator should be good to go. 

    This is not true of diesel generators. See, in order to run a diesel generator, you must have fuel delivered to you. If you run out of fuel, or if the delivery does not show up in a timely manner, you’ll essentially be out of luck. 

    In essence, natural gas generators are more dependable. They’re more in-tune with our infrastructure and benefit greatly from such.  

    3. You Won’t Have to Store Fuel

    As was just noted, natural gas flows through pipes that we have installed on our properties. This is a huge benefit, as there’s no need to store it. 

    Diesel, on the other hand, isn’t readily available via pipes. So, to ensure that it is available as needed, it becomes necessary to store it on the property. This poses a few problems. 

    For one, in order to store diesel on a property, you have to get permission from the government. This requires you to jump through a number of hoops and generally requires you to pay some fees as well. 

    The other problem is that storage space is often scarce. How many people have room to store large tanks of diesel? And even if you do have that room, wouldn’t you rather use it for something else? 

    4. Natural Gas Doesn’t Go Bad

    Another problem you’ll find with diesel generators is that diesel tends to go bad. In fact, diesel’s shelf life is only around 12 months. Once it reaches this point, it’s no longer usable. 

    Natural gas, because it’s not stored but passes through a pipe system, has no shelf life. As such, it’s impossible to waste natural gas. So, if you were to go through a period in which you were not using your natural gas generator, you wouldn’t have to worry about losing out on fuel that you already paid for. 

    This is a huge benefit in terms of cost and maintenance. With natural gas generators, there are no wasted costs and there is no intensive maintenance. 

    5. Natural Gas Can’t Be Spilled

    Not only can diesel fuel go bad, but it can also spill. This can lead to wasted costs, and could even result in a temporary shutdown of operations. Neither one of these is something you want to deal with. 

    By using a natural gas generator, you’ll never have to worry about fuel spills. All of the gas passes through a closed pipe and stands no legitimate chance of spilling. 

    This is hugely beneficial for businesses, in particular, as businesses can’t afford to shut down for extended periods of time. 

    6. Natural Gas Generators Can Be Installed Everywhere

    One of the biggest limitations of diesel generators is that they’re tied to areas to which diesel fuel can easily be delivered. Because this fuel is delivered in bulk, there’s no legitimate chance of delivering it to rooftops or tight spaces or the like. 

    Natural gas generators, on the other hand, can be installed just about anywhere. Because they receive their fuel through a system of pipes, there’s no location in which they can’t operate. All you have to do is make sure that the pipe system is present in that area. 

    This allows for tremendous flexibility in terms of how you use your space. Put your generator somewhere discreet and use your open areas for more pressing concerns. 

    7. Natural Gas Generators Are Reliable

    The last advantage of natural gas generators comes down to reliability. Put simply, these generators are much more reliable than the alternatives. This is due, in large part, to the fact that they’re perpetually hooked up to a steady stream of fuel. 

    As such, if a street floods, or if powerlines go down, you don’t have to worry about whether or not your fuel will be delivered to you. It will already be there, ready to course through your generator at a moment’s notice. 

    The only reason a natural gas generator would ever fail you is if it was old, worn-down, and in need of repair. Considering that these generators last for 25 to 30 years, that’s not much of a concern. 

    So, if you’re looking for the most reliable generator possible, you have to go with a natural gas model. 

    Looking for Natural Gas Generators?

    What do you think? Is a natural gas generator the right choice for your property? Looking for natural gas generators currently?

    Swift Equipment Solutions has you covered. We sell both new and used models, and can accommodate a variety of situations. 

    Take a look at our selection now! 

    By | 2021-01-12T02:38:20-06:00 November 16th, 2020|Categories: natural gas generator|0 Comments

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