Industrial Applications of Used Natural Gas Generators

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When you are considering purchasing a new generator for your business, there are several different options to choose from. The main difference in generator types is the fuel source – whether it is powered by diesel or natural gas. Used natural gas generators can be extremely powerful and can be relied on. 

The Advantages Of Natural Generators

They have many different advantages as detailed below: 

Natural Gas Generators Are Affordable And Cost-Effective

If you are purchasing a used generator, you will already be saving significant amounts of money compared to buying a natural gas generator that is brand new. On top of this, natural gas generators are cheaper to run than their diesel counterparts, with diesel costing ten times as much to fill the generator tank compared to natural gas. 

Natural Gas Generators Take Up Less Space

If you are short on space, a natural gas generator is the one for you. This is because it does not require additional storage space as diesel generators do. Diesel generators need other storage where the diesel fuel can be kept. However, if you are pipeline gas, you will not need the extra storage. This is even more useful if you are looking at a portable generator. 

Natural Gas Generators Are Both Clean And Efficient

Compared to diesel, natural gas is seen to be a cleaner power source that is more efficient, especially if you are using pipeline gas. With regards to emissions, natural gas generators emit far less sulfur, carbon dioxide and nitrogen than other power sources such as oil and coal. It also does not produce large odours like some diesel generators so appears cleaner in this way too. 

Types of Natural Gas Generator

There are different types of natural gas generators that you can buy used. The two main types are known as Standby generators and Prime generators – both of which can be used in an industrial setting. 

Standby Generators 

Standby generators are used in many different environments in residential homes, commercial outlets and industrial settings. The generators can be installed and supplied by utility companies, or specialists that focus on industrial generators. The generator is always in a ‘standby’ setting meaning that if there is a power outage, the generator will recognise this and switch itself on automatically. These generators are generally used only during these emergency times, for short amounts of time until the power is restored. If the generator is often used for longer periods of time, it can damage the parts, causing malfunctions and leading to repairs. 

One great benefit of a standby natural gas generator is that it is very rare for them not to receive any power. This is because natural gas pipes are usually below the ground and so are less impacted by the elements. This means that owners have a steady, reliable source of fuel. The fuel will also not go bad like diesel can, and as mentioned above, does not need to be stored on site. 

Prime Generators

Prime generators are the prime source of power for a business, meaning that there are no usual utilities. This type of generator is usually only used for industrial purposes rather than residential ones. If there is no natural gas link to a utility line, the natural gas must be delivered to the company by a truck as this is the only way that it can be transported. 

Compared to standby generators, prime generators can run for longer and deal with a larger need for power. Prime generators usually work over long periods of time but have variable loads. They are transported to industrial sites on a trailer and can be moved if they are no longer required. If you are looking for a generator that runs all the time and deals with a consistent power load, then you will need a continuous generator. 

In Which Settings Are Natural Gas Generators Used?

Many different industrial settings use gas generators, in addition to facilities where a solid power supply is critical – such as hospitals and nursing homes that need medical equipment 24/7. Natural gas generators are chosen in these settings as, during an emergency, the diesel fuel for diesel generators can be harder to find and is, therefore, less reliable. Gas generators, as previously discussed, are also more sustainable, so many businesses are now turning to this kind in an attempt to be more eco-friendly.


Natural gas generators in any form are a great power source for many businesses. They are cleaner and more affordable than diesel generators, especially if you purchase a used one. If you need advice on what size or kind of gas generator you should choose for your business, or you have any questions or queries, please contact us – we would love to advise you on what is best for your individual company’s needs.

By | 2021-09-29T11:21:44-06:00 March 19th, 2021|Categories: natural gas generator|0 Comments

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