Proven Benefits of Buying a Used Generator in 2021 - Swift Equipment Solutions

Proven Benefits of Buying a Used Generator in 2021

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Whether in a building or on a job site, one of the most important things to discuss is the usage of a generator. Generators are an instrumental tool during emergencies, such as tropical or snowstorms, and anything that may cause a power outage.

Unfortunately, many businesses do not place much importance on a generator. Typically, this can be due to the cost, as new generators can be exorbitantly expensive. However, this is not the only option, as buying a used generator can be a financially smarter purchase with many benefits, such as a lower cost, faster availability, and proven reliableness.

Purchasing a used generator is a wonderful option when it comes to preparing your business for whatever comes your way. Find out if buying a used generator is the right choice for your building or job site.

The Cost of a Used Generator

Let’s face it: generators are not cheap. This is one of the biggest reasons why businesses choose not to purchase a generator, thinking that buying new is the only option. Luckily, there are a plethora of used options available, whether they be diesel or natural gas generators.

These generators have been proven performers with a great track record, and they cost significantly less than their newer counterparts, ensuring that your business will not go over budget just to keep the lights on during an emergency.

If the cost of a generator is the only thing stopping you from purchasing one, consider purchasing a used generator for a much lower price.


Buying a new generator is not a quick process. Typically, generators purchased from manufacturers have not been sitting in a warehouse waiting to be sold, instead, each generator is made to order. As you may suspect, building a generator from scratch and shipping it to its destination does not happen overnight. From the time you purchase a new generator to the day you receive it can take around 8 to 16 weeks, which is not optimal if you need it quickly, and can lead to dire consequences if you are left without one.

When purchasing a used generator, you can be rest assured that these generators are ready and waiting for you. Instead of waiting for a new generator to be constructed, a used generator can be shipped posthaste. Due to this, purchasing a used generator is a great option if your company needs a generator quickly and cannot afford to wait months to receive one.


The word “used”, especially when it comes to high powered machines like generators, may be worrisome for buyers, but this shouldn’t be the case. When purchased from a reputable dealer (like us!) used generators are proven performers. Most reputable dealers make a point to test, repair, and keep their generators in good, working order. These generators are closely vetted, ensuring that your new machine is reliable. This means that you can feel confident in your decision to purchase a used generator. 

Additionally, many used generators have not experienced heavy use, and may have only ever been in standby mode — these generators are the closest thing you can get to a brand new generator, at a fraction of the cost.

It is important to search for generators sold by reputable dealers, otherwise you may not get the same level of care.

Flexibility & Customization

One of the most powerful arguments in favor of purchasing a used generator is the flexibility allowed to the buyer. When purchasing a generator straight from the manufacturer, your machine will arrive as-is with little room for customization or modification. You get what you get, indeed.

However, should your business choose to purchase a used generator, you will have a much greater opportunity to modify and customize your machine. For example, pieces like control boards can easily be switched out and customized to your needs with a used generator, while new generators cannot generally be customized without voiding the manufacturer’s warranty.

Purchasing a used generator allows you the flexibility to personalize the machine to you and your company’s needs. Additionally, reputable dealers often carry multiple brands of generators, giving you a multitude of options when it comes to brand, whereas purchasing from a manufacturer slims your choices greatly, as they often only carry one.


The decision to buy a generator is not an easy one, nor is it one to be taken lightly. Be sure to carefully weigh your options and consider the benefits of purchasing a used generator. If your building or job site is in need of a reliable machine that can survive power emergencies and desire a reasonable cost, fast availability, and the ability to modify and customize, a used generator may very well be for you! Call Swift Equipment Solutions at +1-866-571-0044 to get started today.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why does my building or job site need a generator?

Across the United States, power outages cost businesses more than $27 billion dollars each year. Don’t be left in the cold (or in the red) due to a power outage—consider purchasing a used generator to supplement your business.

How much does a used generator cost?

At Swift Equipment Solutions, we have used generators to fit every budget, starting at $7,500.

How do I know that a used generator is in good condition?

At Swift Equipment Solutions, we ensure the model year, operating hours and previous application conditions are 100% known and documented. Only after thorough testing and inspection do we stand behind and guarantee that it represents the highest quality. We also review specifications. Only after a multi-point process of review, inspection, service and testing does a unit come into our real-time database deemed ready for your project work.

By | 2021-02-19T11:00:28-06:00 December 28th, 2020|Categories: Used Generators, generator|0 Comments

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