Important Things to Consider When Buying a Used Diesel Generator

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Important Things to Consider When Buying a Used Diesel Generator

Generators always come in handy as backup units in case of a power outage. Today, some business owners choose to buy used generators as they consider this to be a cost-effective way to power their operations. However, there are several things you should consider when buying a used diesel generator. This will help you enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing the machine will meet your needs and serve you for a long time.

Your power requirement

To pick and buy the right commercial generator, you should start by assessing your power needs and requirements. The process, which is known as sizing a generator, will require you to have in mind the main equipment that you need to power. These include machinery, industrial equipment, and emergency lights to ensure the safety of your employees. You should consider working with a master electrician, so you get reliable estimates.

Fuel tank capacity

Used diesel generators for sale come in different shapes and sizes. This is why you should take time to establish whether the machine you want to buy can hold a good amount of fuel. Buying a generator with a big fuel tank capacity means you will not need to refill frequently, a factor that will save you time and offer convenience. In addition to the fuel tank capacity, it will help to go for a fuel-efficient unit. Today, there are some generators that adjust their rotations per minute, depending on the load demand to enhance fuel efficiency.

Control systems and power management

The ideal control system offers a wide range of features. These include the ability to display warnings, provide different analysis data as well as start and program the machine remotely. There are also used generators that are equipped with Power Management Systems. This feature makes it possible to optimize fuel consumption and performance, depending on whether the load has increased or decreased. Doing this helps to avoid engine damage, thereby extending the useful work life of the machine.

Location and space

Ideally, any generator should be located where you can access it easily whenever maintenance, repair, and support are required. It is essential to make sure that you have adequate space to install the generator before buying it. The space should not only allow for proper ventilation so smoke can escape but also be a safe distance from flammable materials. In case you are interested in a used generators for sale by owner, you should take time to find out where the previous owner had installed the unit.

Infographic – what to Consider when Buying a Diesel Generator?

Buying a diesel generator
Infographic –

Physical size and transportation

Apart from size, you should also take into account the physical size of the generator. Take time to establish whether the generators can be stacked on top of each other in order to conserve space without undermining access. When it comes to transportation, it will also pay to determine whether the generator can be towed, loaded onto a truck, or be transported using a forklift.

If you are interested in used generators for sale, you should consider working with a reputable dealer. This will ensure that you get as much information about the generator as possible. It will also go a long way in ensuring the unit serves you well and that you realize value for your money.

By | 2021-07-06T04:13:06-06:00 October 14th, 2019|Categories: Used Generators, Diesel Generators|Tags: , , |0 Comments

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