3 Signs to Look For in Buying a Used Generator

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What to Look For When Buying Used Generators for Sale

When analyzing used generators for sale, it’s important to look for key factors that will ensure your investment is a smart one that pays off.

The United States has the highest amount of power-outages when compared to all the other first world countries on the planet. When the lights go out, having a generator to back-up your business’s critical infrastructure is paramount.

When looking at generators for sale you have a lot of choices to make. Deciding if you want a used or new generator can make a huge difference for your company’s bottom line.

If you are purchasing a used generator, there are a few key factors that you should keep in mind. This will ensure you get the best piece of equipment possible.

1. Condition

The primary factor that should influence your final decision when purchasing a used generator should be the generator’s condition. This includes the big three of age, use-history, and total hours of use.

Older generators are more prone to breakage. Therefore you should avoid purchasing outdated machinery. Also, parts can be hard to come by for older generators and they might not be as efficient as late-model machines. 

A generator should also have total hours of use on its odometer. Make sure to factor this in when purchasing a piece of equipment. Even if it is a new model generator, it may have been worked hard and for long durations.

The more hours a machine has accrued, the sooner it will reach the capacity of its working lifespan. This means less use-time for you and a decreased return on your company’s investment. 

In addition, you should examine the generator’s use-history. Some functions tend to burn-out generators faster than others. If it was used as a backup generator there was much less wear and tear on it than one used as a primary power source.

You should also make a visual inspection of the generator for any damages or missing components. If possible, ask the seller to provide a working demonstration of it in action to avoid any discrepancies. 

2. Supplier of Generators for Sale

Another major factor to take into consideration is the reputation of the vendor selling you your generator. You want to find a dealer with a positive reputation who you can trust. 

Finding a certified dealer for generators and industrial equipment, in general, allows you to forge a strong business relationship. This saves you time, money, and deliberation when it comes to all of your business’s industrial equipment needs.

Find a dealer that specializes in selling your business a generator in great condition, for an affordable price that meets your needs. A great example of a dealer that has expertise in the used generator field is Swift Equipment Houston.

Whoever you choose for your dealer, find someone with credibility. Avoid making any transactions with organizations and individuals that cannot verify the integrity of their equipment or it’s origins. 

There are countless accounts of stolen industrial equipment being reported daily including generators. Many of these pieces of equipment can fetch large sums on the black market.

Unverified dealers that feature used generators for sale with very low prices could be trying to fence your business stolen goods. If it looks too good to be true, it probably is. Therefore, only buy from a certified reputable dealer to avoid any legal mishaps.

The last thing you want is to be sold a faulty piece of equipment with a questionable legal background because you wanted to save your company a quick buck.

3. Capabilities of Model Type

The last major factor that should come into play when selecting a used generator for your business is the model type of the generator, and what its capabilities are. There are a couple of different brands of generators that are industry standards.

Cummins, Generac, and Kohler are all trusted names in the world of industrial generators. Cummins also specializes in diesel air compressors and caterpillar engines. 

Each specific model of generator has its own set of capabilities and limitations. A good way to determine what these are is to run an initial load test using a calibrated load bank.

This is the equivalent of analyzing a car’s performance on a track to find out its strengths and weaknesses. A calibrated load bank will put any generator to the test by subjecting it to strenuous simulated working conditions.

This will allow any flaws or weaknesses in the machine to reveal themselves before buying it. That way you won’t have to worry about your generator breaking down during operational use.

Calculate your total kilowatt-hour needs before selecting a generator to make sure that the model’s total output meets your needs. You don’t want to buy an underpowered generator or spend the money on an overpowered one you don’t need.

There are also different fuel types that a generator can utilize. Some generators run on natural gas, others on diesel, gasoline, or a host of other fuels. If certain fuels are more readily available to your business you may want to factor this in as well.

The features and capabilities of each specific model of generator should be listed by the selling party. It also helps to do some research on specific models to see what one best fits your needs and shop for that model in particular.

The Power to Find Used Generators for Sale

Your business has all the power it needs to find used generators for sale. By looking for these three attributes in your used generator, you will be sure to find the best deal that fits your needs.

Check out our online inventory today to find the used generator that works best for your situation. Also, be sure to check out our blog for any other useful information about industrial generators.

By | 2021-11-30T10:54:02-06:00 January 19th, 2021|Categories: Used Generators|0 Comments

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