Should You Invest In a Commercial Portable Generator for Your Business?

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Are you worried that your commercial property won’t have power when it needs it most? Do you need power for your tools and appliances outside of the typical brick and mortar setting? If so, then you need to purchase a commercial portable generator.

Doing so can ensure that you have power in any situation. Maybe it’s for an emergency. Perhaps it’s used to give power to your landscaping tools. It doesn’t matter what the situation is, you need one!

See below for several reasons that you should invest in a portable generator for your business. It can help save the day when you’re in a pinch.

1. Power for Emergencies

Your company is a well-oiled machine, but would it be able to stay that way through an emergency? Many companies find themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place when an emergency hits.

In doing so, they sabotage their own business. Without power, they aren’t able to produce the products or services for their clientele. That can quickly lead to client disappointment, which is the last thing your business needs for its reputation.

By investing in a portable generator now, you’re protecting the future of your company. While you’ll still experience setbacks, the portable generator(s) will ensure that you can power all essential equipment. 

Say, for example, that you run a gas station. The portable generator can help provide you with enough power to keep your lights on and your point of sale system running.

Depending on the size of your company, you might also consider purchasing a used generator for your business to have moving forward. They will always be available, are reliable, and give you more flexibility as a buyer.

To give yourself more insight, feel free to read this article on the benefits of buying used generators for your company. 

2. High Return on Investment

Perhaps you’ve been reluctant to purchase a portable generator in the past because you fear they don’t have enough power to them. Maybe you’re afraid you’ll purchase one with too much power to it. Fear not, there are many different options.

There’s so much variety that you get to play the role of Goldilocks and find the portable generator that’s ‘just right’ for your business. They can offer up to 7,500 watts, which is perfect for providing power to all your company’s essentials.

Many experts say that portable generators offer you the most bang for your buck due to their power, cost-efficient price, and availability. Whenever your power goes out, they can be brought in to provide the necessary power.

Having a gas generator will ensure that you can continue to supply it if the power were to ever go out. You can simply refill the gas until it’s no longer needed. Better than buying an electric-powered generator and having no place to charge it when the battery dies.

Typically, new generators range from $750 to $2,800 depending on size, power, and so on. If you were to purchase them used, you’d be saving even more money!

3. Versatile Power

So you already have a used generator to keep your business’s power running, do you still need a portable generator? The answer is yes!

Unlike the immovable used generator units, portable generators can be taken and used anywhere. They can be used to power things such as:

And anything else that you might need. Use them for a power washer to clean off your company’s exterior after a brutal storm. Use it to charge a machine or piece of equipment you desperately need for your business operations.

Portable generators offer your business versatility. Whenever there’s a power outage or your away from a source of power, the portable unit will come in handy. Simply keep it filled with gas and it can be used at any time. It won’t lose its charge if you go days or weeks without using it.

4. Frequent Use

Contrary to popular belief, portable generators aren’t just for keeping a house or building running during a power outage. Most companies rely on larger generator units for that purpose.

You’ll get far more frequent usage out of the portable generator than those rare moments when the power goes out. You can use them for mobile events, powering utility equipment, and powering other units as well.

We dare to venture that you’ll use your portable generator a few times each month. That helps you justify the investment more than buying a generator that will sit on the shelf for years before it’s needed.

5. Easy to Operate

Best of all, a portable generator requires no expertise for you to operate. There are many features installed that promote safety.

For example, most portable generators these days are made with an automatic shut off feature. That way, if it ever gets low on oil, it will shut off to prevent damage to the generator.

It also features inverter technology, which promotes the usage of clean energy, rather than harming the surrounding environment. Most portable generators also come with a circuit breaker protection feature.

Invest in a Commercial Portable Generator for Your Business

Now that you have seen all of the different benefits you can unlock with a commercial portable generator, be sure to invest in one for your company to have.

Can’t justify purchasing a commercial generator outright? Then rent one! Read this article to learn more on when and why you should rent a commercial generator.

For any other inquiries that you may have, please feel free to contact us at Swift Equipment Solutions either by phone at 866-571-0044 or by email at

By | 2021-11-30T10:54:22-06:00 January 26th, 2021|Categories: Commercial Generator|0 Comments

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